Tuesday, November 27, 2018

September 1989

1 September 1989 Friday
Well so ends the first week of school and Back To School Night. Mrs. Day left me a nice not in my teacher’s box thanking me for being so easy to work with. That was thoughtful. Mr. Stanger wants to see me Tuesday. I wonder want for? He never says why. I will find out then I suppose. Anyway Terry Johnson came and picked me up this evening to go over to Dorinda Whyte’s house to watch some videos. They were all slash and gash movies but since I really just wanted to be with Terry, it really didn’t matter to me and I endured it. I just curled up in his lap, turned over, and slept. I was at Dorinda’s until one in the morning then we came back to my place where we watched something dumb and then we fell asleep on the couch

2 September 1989 Saturday
Terry Johnson spent the night and this morning we slept until until nine and then we made love. I spent much of the morning just loafing, eating breakfast, and reading the paper until we went out and we picked up Terry’s anti-biotic prescription and some 7-11 big gulps before running around. Terry had to leave at noon to take care of some business so I stayed home much of the evening writing out bills. I paid my rent and walked over to the Covey Office to dropped that off. I don’t know if I’m going to stay at the Buckingham after my lease is up. It is kind of expensive and when Jim Rieger leaves, I’ll have to pay $369 all by myself. Terry didn’t spend the night. He said he fell asleep of his grandma’s place. Jim and I went out later to go looking for a Triangle Magazine but they still aren’t out yet. We also went to Video One Store that Nikki Boyer owns over on 9th West to check it out and to get a membership because it carries so many Gay and Lesbian theme movies. I was in bed by one and I am not sure why I stayed up so late.

3 September 1989 Sunday
Today would have been my great Aunt Essie McLeod Word’s 100th birthday. Anyway Terry Johnson came over at nine this morning and I fixed him some breakfast before I went off to my Quaker Meeting. Elaine Emmi asked me if I would do an Adult Education lesson for the meeting and I agreed to her request. Rocky O’Donovan and Robert Erichssen weren’t at the meeting but Robert Smith was. After service Robert and I walked down to my apartment on A Street and from there Terry gave Robert a ride home. When he left, Terry said he wasn’t going to move in with Robert after all because a friend of his old boyfriend lives at the same complex owned by the Greek Church. Oh Well. It’s Terry’s business. Terry and I spent much of the day together and went to Sears several times to find a pair of jeans for Austin, Terry’s oldest boy. His didn’t fit anymore so we got the largest size we could  in husky boys and I hope they fit him now for school. I put the jeans on my charge card. I then went grocery shopping and bought $65  worth of essentials. Jim Rieger had two of his young computer nerd friends over to watch videos with him. The word nerds really come to mind as they are so immature. I don’t even know if they are Gay, non Gay, or nothing at all but they are irritating. I made nachos and bean burritos for dinner tonight. It’s the first time I’ve cooked in a while. I would like to start cooking again for Terry. Anyway Terry spent the night. I slept with him curled up in my single bed until Terry fell asleep while we were making love. The poor thing is on so much pain medicine that he just dropped off. So I went back out to the front room and slept on the couch.

4 September 1989 Monday
Today is the Labor Day Holiday so I crawled back into bed with Terry Johnson. Jim Rieger went off to work early this morning so Terry and I had time alone with each other. We made love this morning which felt great. Anyway at ten we left to go get picnic items for a day up near Flat Lake in the Timpanogos Mountains with Terry’s two boys Heath and Austin. Heath wanted to go on a picnic before going back to school. I went to Albertson’s and bought a fried chicken picnic pack and it was a good thing I brought a lot because Terry’s brother David’s family came along also unbeknownst to me and they didn’t have anything so we shared ours. How can parents bring kids to a picnic without any food? I like Dorinda and Todd White really well and David Johnson is not bad but his wife Sherry is so trashy, yelling and screaming at her kids. White trash really comes to mind when describing her. I don’t know how those kids will ever grow up to know anything but welfare. So glad Terry isn’t like that. He’s a rough cut but so much brighter and more intelligent than the others I’ve seen of his family. Only thing Terry lacks is confidence to get an education because he could do anything he wanted to do if he was motivated. I enjoy being with Terry and his kids but I really don’t like being around Sherry. I think I could even handle being around her kids if she wasn’t  around to yell at them and call them “stupid” all the time. What a mess. But Mormons say families are forever whether you like it or not! It was beautiful in the high country and the leaves are just beginning to turn colors up there. When we came down back into the city, Terry went back over to his Grandma’s after dropping me off and I cleaned up around the apartment. I did some ironing mostly while Jim  had his teenage friends  Doug and Chris back over for a nerd party. We watched “Trapped By the Mormons” but with all their chatter about computers it wasn’t very interesting being out with them. I finally just ended up going to bed. Terry must have fallen asleep at his Grandma’s because he never came back over. I’ve been throwing Billy Cat’s butt outside at night lately because of his crying and yowling.

5 September 1989 Tuesday
I am glad it was a short school day for the kids. Mr Stanger just called me in to tell me I have another new student. That makes thirty-four so far. Afterwards I went to the main library and checked out some Halloween Music to tape for October. I tried to find a comedy album about United States history but couldn’t find anything appropriate. I stopped in at Radio City on the way home but the Triangle magazine is still not out yet. I called Satu Servigna yesterday and she said she thought they would be distributed today. At home, Terry Johnson called and said he was feeling pretty lousy from having fluid drawn from his tumor. I had him come over to relax and I fixed him dinner of burritos and then left him with Jim Rieger while I walked down to Unconditional Support. I hadn’t been there for a while and there was a nice turn out with lots of new people. It’s time for a new turnover of leadership. One of the questions that Steve Oldroyd who was leading tonight posed was “What does Unconditional Support mean to you?” I was surprised and pleased by the responses. I’m sure that half the people there had no idea that Unconditional Support was dreamed up out of my head. When Steve asked me what does U.S. mean to me I answered, “Ken Francis, Mark Lamar, Randy Olson, John Reeves and Darrell Webber.” Then someone asked me “Who are those people” I just replied “My friends who aren’t with me anymore” Van Summerhill was down from Ogden to promote the first meeting of the Ogden Chapter of US.  It makes me proud that the organization now has two chapters. I don’t feel like my life has been wasted if for no other reason than Unconditional Support and Beyond Stonewall. Anyway, I really didn’t feel a part of Unconditional Support anymore. I have just out grown the need of a support group too much. It was fun, however, seeing Jeff Wood and some of the others again but after the meeting I ran much of the way home to be with Terry. Allan Peterson wasn’t at US tonight and Bobbie wasn’t pleased with the way Steve Oldroyd was conducting the meeting. I don’t blame him. He was giving counseling advice and that’s not what we’re about. Anyway I talked to Beau Chaine some. He looks well. I told him about Terry and that he is my new boyfriend. Beau said “Good At last maybe you will be free of Billy”. I said “I hope so”.  I want to plan a Halloween Dance and a Thanksgiving Dinner for Unconditional Support. I need to get with Bobbie and with Richard Morris to start planning. Mike Casey Jr came to US tonight. I just hugged him said how sorry I was about his dad’s death. I said the pain will never go away for you  but in time it will lessen.  He thanked me and gave me a look like I was the only one who understood. It was such a hot day today with temperatures at ninety four degrees. It seemed hotter because the nights are so much cooler. At home Terry was lying on the couch and he seemed happy. Jim and his friend Curtis from California came over and they were sharing a bottle of wine. Jim likes his wine. Terry went to bed at nine thirty and I went and laid down with him just to hold him. He’s naturally anxious about going to the hospital this Friday. On Saturday, Jim is leaving for California for two weeks. In the news a couple of days ago LDS Elder George P Lee was excommunicated from the Mormon Church for sexual misconduct.

6 September 1989 Wednesday
I made the mistake of not eating any breakfast or lunch so my blood sugar levels were near zero and I had a tough day at school. To make matters even worse, I had to attend an In-Service class on AIDS until four thirty so I didn’t get home until five. The class was nothing that I couldn’t have taught myself but it was important for the Mormons to hear. The Triangle magazine still hasn’t com e out. I guess it will when it will. I didn’t hear from Terry Johnson today. I suppose he has a lot on his mind what with going into the hospital tomorrow to see if he will need surgery. I’ve been praying that when he does sees the doctor he won’t need surgery. I stayed home this evening really rather tired. I am really feeling run down. I know it’s from getting up so early again. Today is the first meeting of Unconditional Support in Ogden. Van Summerhill and Rod Fowler are the driving force behind starting a chapter up there. I would have liked to have gone to support them but alas no car and I was too tired to take the bus all the way to Ogden.
7 September 1989 Thursday
Praise God, the results of Terry’s test shows no cancer around his kidneys. Well that’s one hurdle. Now we have the tumor to worry about. School went better today since I ate breakfast of cooked oatmeal. I won’t ever skip it again. Rocky O’Donovan walked with me down to the Resurrection Metropolitan Community Church for Gay and Lesbian Community Council.  While walking he showed me an article that was written up on him in the Logan newspaper from August  30th. Rocky is chair of the Community Council's  Education Committee and is doing a good job at it.  As we continued to walk to MCC from the Avenues, we talked about Quakerism and how that even though we both love being Quakers, Rocky feels that some of them are dragging their feet about performing a ceremony of commitment for Rocky and his lover Robert Erichssen . Rocky feels that there's a certain amount of prejudice in the meeting against Gay marriages and that makes him uncomfortable with the Quaker process.  I don't blame him.  But what to do?  I am grateful for the light Quakerism has given me. I talked to Luci Malin at GLCCU about getting together for the autumn equinox on September 22nd for a high gathering.  Rocky and I are still the only Pillars of the Sacred Faeries now that Mike Pipkin “Puck” has returned to Moab.  We have a Sacred Faeries meeting on the 15th of September to observe the Full Moon. Anyway I took minutes for the GLCCU and there was an average turn out. I saw that Michael Aaron and David Nelson are back. I wonder what they are up to? Anyway Bruce Barton asked me about whom to contact to reserve Camp Rogers for a church retreat. I also told him about Camp Tuttle which the Episcopalians operate. At GLCCU Jon Shield said that nearly seventeen people attended the first meeting of the Ogden Unconditional Support. That’s good to hear. Bruce Barton also wanted a copy of my Pride Day Speech to publish in his church’s newsletter. Dale Sorenson, my very brief fling from last May, gave me a ride home where Jim Rieger was entertaining his computer nerd Doug. I don’t know why Jim thinks Doug is Gay. I see no evidence of it and I think he’s just socially retarded and would jump out of his skin if Jim ever touched him. I talked to Terry before going to bed at eleven. Austin I guess broke his arm playing football.

8 September 1989 Friday
Either I’m getting hay fever or I am coming down with a cold. Well I’ve finished another week at school. When I came home I started cleaning up the apartment. I made spaghetti for Terry Johnson’s dinner to celebrate his not having to go into the hospital. I didn’t do much this evening but stayed home with Terry while Jim Rieger went out with one of his friends, He’s leaving tomorrow for California for two weeks. Rocky O’Donovan and Robert Erichssen dropped by and they watched the Fly Part 2 with Terry and I.

9 September 1989 Saturday –
Jim Rieger left about noon to return to Ridgecrest, California. It will be nice to be alone again I think, although Jim isn’t a bad roommate at all. It’s just that he’s so conservative about some things. Terry took me over to Bobbie Smith’s for his garage sale and then to KRCL’s Tenth Anniversary celebration at Liberty Park, It was a pretty day out but I feel rather lousy. I bought a pork roast for dinner because Terry Johnson wanted Dorinda and Todd White to come over. I fixed biscuits, corn on the cob, breaded pork and a dinner salad. Terry made this potato dish. Terry was upset when Dorinda called and canceled coming over but we had a nice dinner anyway. I was really tempted to eat meat and have a regular dinner with Terry but I didn’t. I am still a veggie. Satu Servigna called and said she needed help stuffing the September issue of the Triangle to mail out. I said I would do it for her and Terry said he’d help me. I teased him saying “Now you’re a Gay activist.” Anyway Satu wasn’t feeling well and I was surprised to find that neither of my articles, that Becky Moorman had me write, were published and the article on Beyond Stonewall she wrote was really poor. I was upset to say the least. Tom Abizu and Becky both were given complementary admission to Beyond Stonewall and what do I get from them, four paragraphs? Anyway Terry and I watched some more videos tonight: They were “Live” and “The Gods Must Be Crazy”. While stuffing the envelopes,  I was so tired from the antihistamines I’ve been taking for my hay fever that I fell asleep before the movie was over. Mike Pipkin called from Moab today. He says he has a job there and that Phil Katich had come down to visit.  I guess Phil and Renn have become roommates. Billy Bikowski and Renn are no longer together which is what I suspected all along.

10 September 1989 Sunday
Terry Johnson spent the night and we slept in so late so that I missed my Quaker Meeting. I felt out of sorts all day. Satu Servign came by and picked up the Triangle envelopes and I complained to her  about Becky Moorman losing my articles and not writing much about Beyond Stonewall. Anyway Terry left to spend some time with his family while I stayed home and mostly did my wash for next week.  I did make some cookies. I find that I’m cooking more with Terry around than before. In the evening I did two programs for Concerning Gays and Lesbians at KRCL while Becky Moss engineered the show. The first was with Luci Malin for the National Organization for Women Conference which is coming to Salt Lake City in October. The second program was just news regarding our community. Jim Rieger will be back on the 24th to do more programs then. Terry never came back over so he must have fallen asleep.

11 September 1989 Monday
I really felt crummy today and could hardly get my shit together to go to work. Blowing my nose, and feeling awful, I took the seven forty five Ogden Bus to work in North Salt Lake and I got there about eight O five.  I’m supposed to be at work by eight. I am  glad it was a short day because I didn’t feel like fighting with the kids.  I had to stay for a PTA meeting after work but by two thirty I took off to just go back home. There I stayed in the rest of the night. Terry Johnson came by and he said he wasn’t feeling well either so we just snuggled up and watched ALF before going to bed by nine thirty.

12 September 1989 Tuesday
I took a later bus to work today and didn’t get there until eight ten and I ran into Mr. Stanger. He made the comment about me leaving early yesterday even though I was sick and his attitude made me realize that I better just plan on catching the seven in the morning bus and getting to work at seven twenty-five. Oh Well. If UTA would just have a bus at seven thirty that would be great. but no way. Anyway way the day went pretty fast and I finished reading to the kids Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing. I always read to the kids right after lunch recess to kind of get them settled down from being hyper coming in from recess. I will begin Blubber tomorrow which is Judy Blume’s book on bullying. When I came home from school I made chili verde for Terry Johnson. I had bean and cheese nachos. Jim Hunsaker dropped by at six thirty to see how I am doing. He said he hadn’t seen me for a while. We went down to Unconditional Support at Crossroads Urban Center together because I wanted to drop off some Triangle Magazines and talk with Chuck Whyte. I didn’t feel like typing up the Gay and Lesbian Community Council minutes tonight but did want to visit with Chuck. He said that the Utah AIDS Foundation may donate a computer to the GLCCU for our use. That would be great. Chuck wants to be chair of the council so badly for next year. I’ll support him. Anyway Neal Hoyt gave me a ride back home after US. He said that Affirmation was hanging in there but not growing.  New elections for Affirmation will be held in October. Becky Moorman called and said she found my essay she had lost. Great. Richard Morris said he’d be happy to do a Halloween dance for Unconditional Support but he doesn’t know whether he will be in town for Thanksgiving. When I was home, Terry Johnson was still there. He said that the doctor thought his tumor was due to a bacteria infection of some type and that he’s going to have to take massive doses of antibiotics. I want him to also take vitamins and garlic pills. We watched Roseanne before going to bed at nine.

13 September 1989 Wednesday
I feel a little better but I’ve developed a cold sore on my upper lip so I know I didn’t just have hay fever.  I didn’t hear from Terry Johnson today. I was surprised when Dorinda White called in the evening and she didn’t know where he was either. I just stayed home this evening and rested. I really felt alone tonight. Not lonely but just alone in this big apartment. I went to bed at nine o’clock. In the news East Germans are escaping to the west through Hungary. That is kind of neat. The weather is really warm and sunshiny but it is the end of summer. Is it the end of my summer romance too?

14 September 1989 Thursday
When I was home from work, Terry Johnson called and asked if he could come over. I said certainly but he didn’t come until eight so I just watched television mostly because I was too tired to go out although I did go grocery shopping at Albertson’s but that was about it. I am still worn down from this summer cold probably caught from the kids.
15 September 1989 Friday
Terry Johnson left for work this morning and that was the last I saw of him all day. It was a long day at work because of my feeling so dragged out from this cold. When I got home from work today I had a message on my answering machine from Rocky O’Donovan.  He said that it was his birthday and so he's going to spend it with Robert Errichssen instead of going to the Faerie gathering.  I was tired too from my cold all this week so I wasn’t sure I wanted to go myself, but I felt it was important, and I did want to get out of the house. I am full of nervous anxiety over changes going on in my life, I don’t care about anything right now even my relationship with Terry. C’est le vie.  So I walked over to Bobbie Smith's and we visited for about an hour and a half about Unconditional Support and the Sacred Faeries.  We decided to do a Halloween party instead of a dance this year for U.S.  I told Bobbie about how blasé' and yet edgy I feel right now.  I said that I feel like I want to scream but that if I did start now, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to stop.  The Bear in me is fussy and so is the Badger.  I need to prepare for winter hibernation. Well even though it was just Bobbie “Gillian” and I, we decided to go ahead and have our Sacred Faerie Gathering.  We stripped ourselves of our egos, meditated, and invited the Gay Spirit to enfold us and to protect us from Rep. William Dannemeyer up from California who is here in Salt Lake City to receive a John Birch Society Award.  I was home by nine O'clock and watching the beautiful Full Moon was soul satisfying.  I felt more calm and peaceful after the gathering but upset that Terry wasn’t at home and that he hadn’t called.

16 September 1989 Saturday
I talked to Terry Johnson this morning and he was supposed to come over at ten for breakfast but he never showed. He also never showed for us to go to the Utah State Fair either. I don’t know if I should be angry or concerned. Maybe its time for me to re-evaluate where our relationship is headed. At two, I went to an organizational meeting for the “thirty-Five and Over” group. Steve Oldroyd had asked me to attend to give some pointers on starting an organization and keeping it vibrant, The meeting lasted until four  and then I walked home. Still no Terry. I called John Bush this afternoon and was surprised to hear that he needed to resign from Beyond Stonewall because of his commitment to so many other projects. That throws a monkey wrench into things but it may be my way out. I’m not sure if I want to do another one after this last fiasco with Billy Bikowski. I want to move from Utah and if I commit to doing another Beyond Stonewall Retreat I am then committed to staying throughout the summer. I won’t deal with this until after I meet with John this Monday at four. Anyway I just stayed home this evening expecting to hear from Terry but I never did. I am not sure what is going on there. I wanted to go out tonight but also I did not feel up to walking downtown. I finally decided to just go to bed which I did at nine thirty.

17 September 1989 Sunday-
I didn't attend my Quaker Meeting this morning again. I think in my heart I'm resigned to let it go.  But deep in my heart I know I have Quaker beliefs but going to the meetings doesn't satisfy something unexpressed, deep in my Gay soul.  I have a hunger, a longing for something, but what?  I used Mormonism to try and satisfy a need to understand the "mysteries" but learned that Mormons do not have any answers. Just questions.  They are the modern Pharisees more interested in the letter of the law than the spirit. The church I was raised in, The Church of Christ, has some childhood nostalgia for me which tugs at my old heart strings but its dogma, couch in that sick-Southern psyche, is too narrow and bigoted for me.  Quakerism spoke to my heart and soul about following my inner light but the rest of it is too transcendental for me.  The Metropolitan Community Church is too "high church" with more pomp and circumstance than my Reformation Calvinism will allow. I am not certain that Paganism will allow me to nurture my personal love and relationship with the Savior as Lover of my soul.  Truly I am in the winter of my spiritual discontent.  Should I try Unitarianism? New Age Metaphysics?  Eastern Philosophies? I'm certain that I'm seeking something that does not exist.  The one True Way. Perhaps the one "True Way" is all the ways that will lead me on paths of self discovery and realization; to the very roots of my relationship to the natural and supernatural worlds.  Perhaps that is what "true religion" is- self discovery.  Since God is within perhaps I've been too busy searching outside of myself.  Christ said that the Kingdom of God is within.  My main totem the Bear came to me to tell me to be introspective.   But damn, self analyst does often feel like self masturbation.  Feels great but what's the point?  Perhaps the point is to feel great! Hmmm, what a concept.  Ultimately I will have to rely on my inner light and my personal commitment to the ethical teachings of Jesus Christ. Perhaps I am always to be a "pilgrim" in this world.  Anyway I walked to Liberty Park in a wind storm for the National Organization for Women's Pro-Choice Rally. A storm front is supposed to be coming in. Before attending I stopped at Pic and Save where I ran into Dorinda White. She hadn’t heard from Terry either. I am worried now. I went to the rally as I had told Luci Malin I'd be there to support her.  More than 300 people attended the rally. On the way down I ran into Chuck Whyte in front of the MCC church and we went to the rally together.  Chuck introduced me to Jimmy Hamamoto, an ex-boyfriend of his. I've seen Jimmy around KRCL before but had no idea that he was Gay.  He is always in the KRCL record library straightening things up.  Anyway it sprinkled on us and tried to rain on us but luckily it never did. Walking Chuck back home, he gave me the minutes for September’s Gay and Lesbian Community Council meeting so that I can write them up for Satu Servigna. She needs them for the Triangle. Back at home I called Dave Malmstrom and we visited for a while. I caught him up on all the gossip I had heard. I told him that I probably won’t do another Beyond Stonewall but I’d wait until March for my decision to see how I feel then. I just don’t think I get enough emotional satisfaction out of it anymore for the amount of work it takes to arrange it. At five thirty Dorinda White called and said she is going over to Terry’s place to check on him and she called back later at six thirty saying he had found him passed out on the floor but seemed to be okay now. What is up with that?

18 September 1989 Monday
I am still not feeling up to snuff but am getting better all the time. After school there was a faculty social which was awful but I smiled and tried to be pleasant to all the straight Mormons there. It lasted until almost four and I was so bored with the sophomoric attempts at trying to get to know each other. I don’t want to share my life with these people because I know it would be used against me. Already I am getting asked “are you married? How many kids do you have?” Not any legitimate questions like where are you from? How do you like it here at Orchard? They are just asking questions to peg me whether I am a Mormon or not. Anyway I am going to spread a lie to keep them away from me. I won’t call it disinformation because a lie is a lie. I don’t feel good about it at all because it will weakens my integrity; but it will get people off my case for my own survival as a teacher. I’m going to tell busy body Mrs. Day tomorrow that I am a widower and that I lost my wife and son in a car accident in California three years ago at Christmas time and it’s too painful for me to discuss. That should stop the inquest except for the most boorish of people and then I’ll just repeat I’d rather not discuss it. When I first came here I heard Mrs. Day say to Mr. Unger that she was so glad to have someone at school who held the priesthood in case someone got injured. Oh brother, that told me where I stood in the pecking order. After school I went to a teacher's rally up at the State Capital.  About 5000 teachers attended trying to get the attention of the state legislators.  Utah has the largest classroom sizes, pays the least per pupil ratio, and the teacher's salaries are at the bottom of the 50 states.  I was surprised to see Jimmy Hamamoto there.  I didn't know that he was a teacher also.  He teaches special education kids.  Anyway the rest of the evening I stayed home and Terry Johnson finally came over to watch the season premier of ALF. I fixed Terry some dinner of hash browns, bacon, eggs and toast. We went to bed at nine and made love before falling asleep.

19 September 1989 Tuesday
Today is Grandpa Johnson’s 88th birthday. I sent him a card but I doubt it will get there in time. When home from work, Terry Johnson called me and said that he had hurt his wrist and that the doctor said he is to go see him this Friday to have surgery on the tumor in his head. Since he wasn’t going to be coming over tonight I walked down to Unconditional Support. I almost got rained on but  didn’t. I was too worried and upset about Terry to stay for coffee afterwards. Steve Oldroyd led the meeting and it was boring with Steve belaboring on everything anyone said. I did catch a ride home from some new fellow.  He probably wanted to have sex with me but I didn’t. Right now I am satisfied with Terry’s love making and if I’m not in love with him, I am growing to love him which is better than a simple infatuation. I enjoy Jim Rieger being away. I don’t miss his sarcasm at all. I do enjoy living alone. I don’t care to have anymore “roommates” after Jim.

20 September 1989 Wednesday
The weather is starting to warm back up. I still have either hay fever or the remnant of that cold. Nothing is going on at work but I am wearing out all the same. I spend most of the day trying to maintain discipline let alone try to do any real teaching. I don’t know if I’m accomplishing anything in any real way to benefit my students. I’m extremely edgy right now. John Reeves called to say the IRS is going after him and his ex wife Barbara like they did Fran and I. Gawd do I know how that feels. I called Mike Anderson this evening to ask how he was going to repay the $120 from the Beyond Stonewall Account. He’s working for Little America now setting up banquets and he said he’d pay $60 this Friday and the other $60 soon. I harbor no ill will against Mike but he should pay back the money since he never delivered the goods. Hurricane Hugo is blasting the Caribbean.

21 September 1989 Thursday
I didn’t see Terry Johnson today but I did talk to him some on the phone. He’s going in to Holy Cross Hospital tomorrow at four for his surgery. I just stayed home this evening and straightened up the place before Jim Rieger gets back this Saturday. Mike Pipkin called from Moab saying he was coming up this Saturday to get his things he had left here. Hurricane Hugo is going to rip through Charleston, South Carolina tonight after midnight. Nothing seems to be going on with anyone worth mentioning. I don’t hear much from anyone anymore. Once in a while I get excited about doing another Beyond Stonewall but then I think I’m going to quit while I am ahead, It was a nice dream. Time to dream anew. Today is the last day of Summer 89 and the last summer of the Eighties. Twenty years ago I was just starting school at Cypress Jr. College and so excited to be with John Cunningham the beloved. The adventure of being an adult was just beginning. Fifteen years ago I was so destitute and distraught over my situation at Brigham Young University. I was working washing dishes at ZCMI in Provo because that bastard Religion Teacher had flunked me which caused me to miss graduation by a half a unit. Ten years ago I was working with Gary Ratliff, painting the artificial turf at the Rice Football Stadium. I was married to Fran Williams but in love with Gary. Last night I had the most unusual dream. I’ve been toying with the idea of going back to eating meat but in my dream I saw these small puppies bound together, while others dying and this guy was rounding them up to sell them for food. What’s the difference between piggies and puppies? 

22 September 1989 Friday

The first day of autumn and I’m on strike come Monday. A wild cat strike started at Davis High School this morning and soon spread to most other schools in Davis County and has spilled over into Granite, Jordan, and Alpine districts. We took a vote at Orchard and I think Mrs. Day and I were the only ones who voted to walk. The kids were so hyper because they all knew about the strike as that the Junior high kids were hanging around the school all day. Orchard elementary was one of the few schools in Davis which didn’t walk out. Teachers are angry that the state has all this surplus money and yet can’t find any funds for smaller class sizes and new text books. I have thirty four kids all jammed into a room built to accommodate twenty five and it’s a pressure cooker all day. There’s very little learning taking place I can tell you that. What really pissed me off was when Governor Bangeter said for teachers to take two aspirins and go back to work!! Tomorrow there is a meeting to be held to call for a state wide strike on Monday. All they can treat are the symptoms in this state, because the problem is too many kids and too little tax base. Utah is a third World country surviving on federal government handouts and with a blind slavish obedience to a misogynist patriarchal church. Terry Johnson left me a message on my answering machine saying that his surgery was successful. He seemed awfully tired. 

23 September 1989 Saturday
I cleaned the apartment really good, stripped the bed and put on clean sheets, scrubbed the kitchen floor and then went shopping and bought some area rugs and household items to make the place more homey. Mike Pipkin came up at one in the afternoon with his father to retrieve his things. He didn’t stay long because they were going back to Moab tonight. Mike said he thinks Phil Katich has a new boyfriend. He did move in with Renn. Strange small community we live in. Anyway Mike said he’s going to move to San Francisco this November. Maybe he will this time. John Reeves called and said he’s applied for a job in Tempe, Arizona. If he moved to the South West I’d be down in a flash. I didn’t hear from Terry Johnson all day but yesterday he said that his son Austin was staying with him to look after him. That’s good. I couldn’t get anyone to go with me to the National Organization for Women’s Board Reception tonight so I went alone. I gave a $50 donation from the Beyond Stonewall account and paid $20 at the auction for a cartoon characterization of state senator Frances Farley. Molly Yard was there as well as Eleanor Smeal and Francis Farley. Molly Yard is a dynamo. Bright, articulate, and full of positive energy. The money raised tonight was for a Political Action Committee to help elect women to state offices in Utah. Only others there I recognized were Martin Caldwell and Norm Jenks from Cache Valley, and of course Luci Malin. When I was home from the wine and cheese reception, it was nearly nine thirty and Jim Rieger was in from California. Since he was on the phone until I went to bed, we didn’t get a chance to visit. 

24 September 1989 Sunday
It was a lazy day for me. It felt so nice. I slept in until seven then was up to straighten the place. Having Jim Rieger back is kind of different after being on my own again for a couple of weeks. I kind of wish that I would not have gotten a roommate.  I should not have agreed to it but December will come fasten than you know it. Jim went off to school today and I didn’t attend my Quaker Meeting so I guess that phase of my life is really over for right now. Anyway I talked to Terry Johnson a little bit today and he says he is feeling a little bit better and his blood pressure is way down but still has these fierce headaches. We visited a little about the school walk out tomorrow and how that is making m anxious then he said he was tired so I let him go. I called Bobbie Smith to see if he wanted to go with me for a walk up Memory Grove to see the beautiful leaves that are turning but he was busy painting his apartment so I just went by myself. I brought my journal with me and got caught up with it while lounging in the autumn sun shine by the City Creek. I stayed in the park three hours just resting, meditating, and contemplating about the direction my life is taking. When I went home at six I told Jim that I didn’t feel like doing a radio program tonight and to go ahead without me. I just stayed home and watched Married with Children. I am missing Terry or maybe just his arms around me. I hope he is fine. I’m feeling very blasé. This month is going pretty fast and soon it will be October. Lots of changes going on in my life, none of which I feel I have control over. Liza Smart asked me to make a potato salad for the history symposium this Wednesday.

25 September 1989 Monday
I didn’t go into work today because of the teacher’s strike and rally at Liberty Park. So I took care of some business and called the IRS. I found out that there will be thirteen more months before the pay off of back taxes and the interests owed from when Fran and I were married will be finished. Then I called about the National Teacher’s Exam and found out that today was the last day to apply to take the October Test so I took a bus up to the University of Utah and picked up a form, filled it out, and sent it off with the $70 application fee. I also transferred some funds from Key Bank into my Savings at Valley Bank. I had a lot of running around to do but I made it to the rally at Liberty Park at two in the afternoon. There was probably nearly five thousand teachers there with signs, posters, and petitions. I liked the sign that read “Bangerter can kiss my aspirin”. Another had written on it I have a Headache this big and Bangerter’s written all over it.” It was a good upbeat rally and being outside I got a lot of sun. I saw Glen Camomile and he was being his old negative prissy self.  I also saw Elaine Day from Orchard. I was glad that someone I knew from Orchard saw me to prove I was there and not just cutting work. At four thirty I met Chuck Whyte back up at the Crossroads Urban Center. I was tired from walking all over the city but we got the minutes and financial report finished for the community council. However I didn’t get out of there until seven thirty after three hours? Ugh! And I still didn’t get the minutes mimeographed off and put in envelopes. I told Chuck I would do that tomorrow. So I was finally home at eight. I didn’t hear from Terry Johnson today. I hope he’s okay. I wonder if the walk-out will do us any good in January when the legislators meet. Whatever is decided I’m making plans to leave Utah by the end of 1990.

26 September 1989 Tuesday
I went back to work along with the rest of the teachers and strangely my students were pretty subdued. I’m so glad it’s a short week because of the walk-out even if it meant losing one day of pay. Anyway, I stayed until five, running off ditto worksheets and making lesson plans, At home I finished stuffing all the envelopes for the Gay and Lesbian Community Council of Utah also. I have about fifty people on the mailing list that I have to address and mail off. I heard from Terry Johnson finally. He’s having bad news as that his car is broken and it will cost $1700 for it to be fixed. He just bought it so he said he’s just going to let it get repo’ed. Also he said that the doctors might still have to do surgery on him as that fluid is filling back up on the brain. I don’t know how we are going to see each other for a while as he won’t take the bus. I walked down to Albertson’s on 2nd South to do some grocery shopping since Jim Rieger took his station wagon somewhere. I was really tired after climbing back up the hill to my apartment on A Street carrying shopping bags. I didn’t make it to Unconditional Support but just wanted to stay home and watch some TV, especially Roseanne. I didn’t stay up late afterwards. Rocky O’Donovan called to say that he’s made up with the Quakers by saying he didn’t have to feel like he had to justify or defend himself at the meetings. In fact he was told by the Friends there that they felt like the Gays attending were a major contribution to the Quaker Meeting and that the non Gays there were going to push for same sex commitment unions. It’s a step in the right direction but I still am not excited about going back. I haven’t heard from anyone else, I guess no news is good news. I went to bed at nine.

27 September 1989 Wednesday
I was completely worn out by fussing with Chris Andersen and Phillip Roat all day. Ninety percent of my time is monopolized by ten boys in my class. I left as soon as I could to get home and make potato salad for my part of the pot luck for the Historical Society. It was held this time at six because of the symposium. The items of business were that Brooke Hallock was dropped as a member of the Executive committee and Erick Meyers was chosen to replace her because of his business experience. It was a nice turn out of and we had a nice pot luck dinner. Liza Smart welcomed everyone to the first Gay and Lesbian Historical Society Symposium, and then we ate first and then watched a video about the Gay historian John Boswell. Some how much of the film got screwed up but what we saw of it was extremely interesting. I told Bobbie Smith and Eliza Smart that I wasn’t doing another Beyond Stonewall basically because I want to move from Utah and not have my summer tied up with all the planning. Also I am just plain tired and don’t have the energy level to sustain the effort it takes to promote it.  I really don’t feel like there is anyone else capable of putting on Beyond Stonewall the way John Reeves and I envisioned it. It’s better to let it die in a flash of glory than let it become incompetent like Unconditional Support has become when it was turned over to Allan Peterson and Affirmation to Chuck Thomas. All in all the symposium was really fun but by ten I was worn out. A lot of women showed up for the first symposium  more than men probably due to Liza Smart’s influence in the Lesbian community.

28 September 1989 Thursday
I year ago yesterday, Fran and I were divorced and my former mother in law died of cancer on the same day, Today is Billy Bikowski’s 28th birthday. No wonder I feel so edgy. School is still draining all my energies but within two weeks I’ll have a four day weekend with the Utah Education Association Conference. Any way when I arrived home I found that my phone had been disconnected. I was anxious to know how Terry Johnson was doing since I hadn’t seen him in a couple of days. So to get out of the house I walked over to the post office and mailed out the Gay and Lesbian Community Council’s minutes. While there I picked up the mail out of the post office box. A letter threatening to sue me for $4500 was in the mail but it was a bill that Fran owed after we had separated so I wasn’t liable for it. Our divorce papers say I am not liable for debts accrued after the day we had separated in 1986. After checking the mail I walked over to the Greek Orthodox’s apartments to see Bobbie Smith but he wasn’t at home. Walking back home, I met Dave Reed who was on his way for rehearsal at the Salt Lake Opera. I thought how odd it was to run into him on Billy’s birthday. Anyway he said he said that he heard I had a new boyfriend from Beau Chaine and that he had had lunch with Billy just yesterday. I said did you know today is his birthday? He didn’t. I asked if Billy ever finally have a phone number and Dave said yes and he asked if I wanted it. I said no. I would just call it if I had it. I’m sure that’s true and I need to not open that can of worms. When I came home, the phone was still not working so I went out again for a little bit but by six it was ringing so whatever was the problem, Jim Rieger had taken care of it. I then tried calling Dorinda White to see if she had heard from Terry Johnson and I was surprised when he answered the phone as he was to hear me on the other end because he was at Larry’s, his old roommate. I had inadvertently called that number instead of Dorinda’s. We were really surprised at the coincidence as that Dorinda had her phone number changed after her husband Todd had tried to shoot her last Sunday!! She’s living alone now and wouldn’t have been able to reach Terry through her if I wouldn’t have misdialed. I told him to call me tomorrow and leave a message whether he had his surgery or not.

29 September 1989 Friday
I took some hay fever medicine this morning which it damn nearly made me feel wiped out all day. I was glad to see the day end. When I got home there was a message from Terry Johnson saying he had some good news from his doctor but he had some bad news about his mother who had a heart attack in Denver and is not expected to live. So Terry and his brother David are going to Denver to be with her and he said he’d call me when he gets back. Anyway I decided to go shopping since I got paid today. I needed some school clothes so I took a bus out to West Valley and bought a gray sweater and a night shirt at Mervyns’s and a pair of black acid wash jeans and two black shirts at the Men’s store called J.W. I also bought a pair of black canvas shoes as I prepare to stop wearing animal parts on my body. Jim Rieger’s Time Magazine came today which was on China. In it there was a picture of Chinese eating puppies. I was shocked to see that they were the same little puppies I saw all tied up and dying in my dream last week. I’m sick of eating flesh ad subjugating other species for me. I don’t believe that God wanted us here to dominate and kills the animals. Man was driven from the garden to till the ground and eat bread from the sweat of his brow. Man and Woman may have dominion over the animal kingdom but not the right to dominate them. In the Garden God said, “ I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of the earth, an every tree in which is the fruit yielding seed to you it shall be meat.” And then he said And to Every beast of the earth and every fowl of the air and everything that creepeth on the earth where there is life I have given every green herb for meat.” I believe when things are in harmony we will eat only fruits and herbs. I myself would rather pattern myself after the time we lived in the garden in harmony with all living things. After taking the bus back from West Valley I was in bed by ten thirty

30 September 1989 Saturday’
Change, Change, Conge. I took the bus back out to West Valley today and bought some more items but mostly I went grocery shopping at Smith’s at 8th and 9th. A big blustery storm blew in while I was in the store so I didn’t get wet. Terry Johnson is in Denver, Colorado so I didn’t plan on doing much this evening but just watching TV after shopping. Jim Rieger brought over the Nerd Patrol and they were over while I started putting up Halloween Decorations. I tore my closet apart looking for all the stuff I had stashed away. Thus ends September. I’ve taken some twelve hour Contact hay fever pills and while they do the job I am listless, tired, and just wiped out. Jim doesn’t do one thing around the place. He hasn’t washed a dish, vacuumed a room, cleaned his bedroom etc. I don’t want a roommate if I’m all the time doing all the cleaning. Maid service was not part of the deal. Well this month is gone. Nothing remarkable for me, but a hell of a month for Terry Johnson. Am I to be in Albuquerque this time next year?  Changes, changes. Mark Lamar called me this evening and said that he’s going to get back together with his “Bill” and move down to Texas to be with him. Really? I’m happy for him if it does work out but I doubt it. His Bill is abusive. Strange that I should run into Dave Reed on Billy’s birthday. I’m dropping out of so many things that it’s scary. So much baggage from the past. It’s time for a makeover.

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December 1989

1 December 1989 Friday James Edgar Clark Wachs was born 21 years ago this very night. I was seventeen years old, working at the ...