Tuesday, November 27, 2018

January 1989

1 January 1989 Sunday
I woke up at 7:30 without a hangover to get ready to go to meeting. At 9:30 I walked up to 2nd Ave and A Street to attend morning worship meeting at the Quaker Meeting House. Rocky O’Donovan and Robert Erichssen were there. Rocky wasny feeling well and was disappointed in his family because his mother said Robert wasn’t welcomed. Her loss. After the meeting I came back home after buying a 10 pound bag of cat food to feed some of the strays around the Juel Apartment. Billy Cat went out last night and has been gone now about 24 hours. I am worried about him. I called Mike Anderson. Saturday Voyeur ended yesterday  but he said he has a job working at Voila. Later Jim Hunsaker dropped down from his apartment to use my phone and to visit. He had just gotten home from an all nighter New Year’s party. I wrote out my bills. About $500 worth. I paid off Montgomery Ward’s finally after 5 years.  A guy named Ryan called me on the date line and we made a date for tomorrow. Didn’t eat any flesh today but ate some sugar. I’ve tried to give that up for my head’s sake. I watched the Karen Carpenter Story on TV tonight. Becky Moss never called about doing a show for Concerning Gays and Lesbians and now that she has Jim Reiger she really doesn’t need me. Mike Pipkin dropped by in the evening and we watched TV together. He’s working at Lamb’s Restaurant downtown and may put off going to Santa Fe for a while now. Mike brought about 2 six packs of beer over and he was pretty soused when he left at 10 pm. Happy New Years.

2 January 1989 Monday
I am sick with chills and deliriums.  I must have caught a flu bug. This morning I was fine and got up at 6:30 to grade papers and to get ready for school tomorrow. I walked downtown to Weinstocks in the Crossroads Mall where I bought a silver chain for $20 to wear my crystal on.  I started feeling nauseous about 3:30 and when this guy named Ryan came by at 5:30 I was really getting the chills. We visited util 7:30 talking about Gay issues and his bisexuality. I know he would have liked to have had sex but I was afraid he might catch my bug. By 7:30 I was so sick I went straight to bed where I tossed and turned, aching and sore and nauseous. Jon Urban, the sweet thing, called and was concerned about me being sick. Chuck Whyte called too. I thought that if I died who would feed my cat? I also thought how I need a will. I want Billy Bikowski to have my amethyst silver ring, my papers go tp the Historical Society that Rocky and I are forming, genealogy to Mom and Dad or to my sister Donna and everything else to my ex-wife Fran to dispose as she chooses. I don’t want to go to work tomorrow but I have to because all my manuals, grade books, and lesson plans are at home.

3 January 1989- Tuesday 
I got up at 6 am still really, really weak but strong enough to drag myself in for a half day. It was good to see the kids but I was listless and felt like nodding off all day. Somehow I managed to get through the day and I was home by 4 pm. I took a nap until 6 and that really helped. At 6:30 I was down at the Crossroads Urban Center for Unconditional Support as my last official responsibility as director of Unconditional Support. We had a good turn out of about 20 people for our business meeting.  Elections took place and  we elected Alan Peterson as the new director, Ray Von Nielson as Asst. Director and Darrell Webber as Secretary/Treasurer. I was asked to stay involved as activities coordinator and Randy Olsen was kept on as our representative to The Gay and Lesbian Community Council of Utah. Chris Brown from Lesbian and Gat Student Union attended the meeting. It was good to see him and Jon Butler. Next Sunday the new officers will be coming over to my place for dinner and to discuss the transition of responsibilities. I gave Ray Neilson the key to open up the Crossroads Urban Center and all the Unconditional Support funds to Darryl Webber.  After the meeting I went home straight to bed. It pleases me that Unconditional Support will continue without my leadership. We did good. Oh yes I have to plan a Valentine’s dance for February.

4 January 1989 Wednesday-
I haven’t eaten flesh since last Saturday abd I feel better. I have cut down on sugar too. I am feeling so much better . Almost human again. At school spent all the morning planning a hall bulletin board . It was our class’s turn so I put the words “It’s a Small World” and I had my students do drawings of children in their native countries cootumes around the world.  I heard that my student Jeremiah Kite may be leaving my class.  A mixed blessing as he is so much trouble. Anyway I was home by 4:30  and spent a while straighten the apartment. Billy Cat has been gone almost 48 hours and I am getting really worried. When he does come home again, he’s not going out for the rest of the winter. Its cat litter city for me but I don’t want to go through the worry again. I’ve grown so fond of that cat. It will really hurt me if something has happened to him. In the evening this guy from the date line came over. We had oral sex but he couldn’t stay hard so eventually we gave up. It happens sometimes. Something wasn’t clicking I suppose. A Big storm  is supposed to come in tomorrow night. Snow, blizzards, the works. John Reeves called me from Boston. He said he got a nice letter from Justin Webber  who attended Beyond Stonewall last summer.  Also said e’s fallen in love with the Boston area. I kew he would. Ray Nielson called and said he got the key officially transferred into his name. He also said that he was satisfied being the Assistant Director. Satu Servigna dropped by with a stack of Triangle Magazines she asked me to distribute. I told her I wanted to start writing for the magazine again. She said great. I need to write a news release about the new leadership of Unconditional Support.

5 January 1989-Thursday-
Shit! I was elected secretary-treasurer of the Gay and Lesbian Community Council of Utah tonight. My cat Billy finally came home this morning and I locked him in the bathroom when I went off to work. He was so exhausted he mainly just slept anyway. At school today I met with Jeremiah Kite’s father who wants custody of him and most likely will be transferring him to another school in Ogden but he just wanted my input on how it my affect Jeremiah. I recommended that he go to his new school even though I really would miss him but he’s such a challenge. Anyway I am feeling much, much better since my bout with the flu. There seems to be two types of bugs going around. The flue and a bug that causes sore throats and runny noses. I haven’t gotten that one, yet. Getting ready for the council tonight, I discovered that I don’t have any more blank checks at all in the house. So I called Randy Olson up and asked he'd write a check for Unconditional Support’s membership dues tonight and then take me up to my bank and I’d give him cash. He said “Well we could do that but why don’t you just write a check off your deposit slip?”  I said, “I could do that” and then cut off the conversation and hung up. I was so fucking mad. He’s totally worthless as a friend and unreliable. I’m cutting my relationship off with him entirely. Jim Hunsaker was’t home by 6:30 so I started walking down Sixth East to the Metropolitan Community Church. I didn’t have time to take a bus to my bank, pull money out, and then make it to the meeting by 7 pm. However on the way down Jim Hunsaker stopped and gave me a ride the rest of the way. The reason I was elected was that Chuck Whyte who originally said he wanted the office changed his plans. Originally Curtis Jensen agreed to run for vice chair and Chuck Whyte for Secretary/Treasurer. However before the meeting Chuck asked if I would nominate him for Vice Chair and not care I said sure. We he was elected over Curtis and Curtis said he would not accept the secretary-treasurer position. So Val Mansfield was nominated but he said he would not accept the nomination unless someone else agreed to run also. So about five other people were asked and they declined so Bruce Barton nominated me saying it would be a natural position for someone from the Historical Society. Well I am a girl that just can’t say no especially in service to the Gay community so I accepted the nomination and was elected. The new chair of the council was an even bigger surprise but I think ultimately a good choice. I would not be honest if I did not say that the position was almost thrust upon him but Neil Hoyt will be a good chair. He will have to grow some and get over the fact that he can’t make everyone happy. If he tries to do that he’ll be mediocre. Chuck Whyte will have to be on a tight lease. He’s some what scattered but when he’s focused no one works as hard as he does.

6 January 1989 Friday
After work I went to the bank to get some more checks made and then I went up to the sauna in the HYPER building at the University of Utah, It felt really goo. I didn’t get home until about 7:30 and then watched a little TV. I cleaned the apartment some and went to bed about 10:00. I needed the rest after a busy, hectic week.

7 January 1989 Saturday
Today is Fran and my 12th wedding anniversary.  In the day I cleaned my apartment, graded papers, and did several loads of wash. About two Jim Hunsaker came down and said he was going up to the HYPER building and wanted to know if I wanted a ride. So I went with him up there and read the paper while soaking in the sauna.  There was a small article on mandatory reporting of AIDS testing.  I decided to respond to it. Coming home from the sauna I took a bus to Smith’s Grocery store on 9th East and 8th South and bought some groceries for tomorrow’s dinner. I am having the new officers of Unconditional Support over. I decided I wanted to see a movie tonight because there was nothing but sport on TV. I took a bus down 7th East to 9th South and walked over to the Tower Theater. I saw Who Framed Roger Rabbit again and High Spirit s which was a mediocre movie with no direction. The movies were out at Ten thirty and snow was falling. I was covered with snow by the time I trekked home. It was peaceful and quiet walking through the snow. I think I was still missing Billy Bikowski and wondering if he’s home from New Hampshire yet. It was nearly midnight when I went to bed.

8 January 1989-Sunday
 Yesterday while at 9th and 9th I went to Cahoots and bought a birthday card for John Cunningham and dad. Tomorrow is John's 38th birthday. I didn't go to my Quaker Meeting this morning. It was too cold to walk and I had a lot to do. I wrote a letter to the editor about the mandatory reporting article but the real mind blower was my meeting with Christy Bradley. At 2 p.m. I walked over to Dee’s on 4th South to meet with Matt Wilson and Christy Bradley. Matt had set up the meeting between Christy and Rocky O’Donavan and myself to talk about some serious allegation Bradley was making against  Mormon Church leaders. Robert Errichssen and Dan Fahndrich were also at the meeting with Christy but when Dan heard what we were there for he split before he got into some heavy duty shit.  Basically Christy Bradley turned to us for help because she knew Rocky had contacts in Utah Valley that could help her. This is her story. Christy is a 43 year old woman who use to act as a prostitute call girl at the Hotel Utah from the late 60’s to the early 1980’s serving Mormon officials there. She was an out law meaning she worked for herself and not an agency however she said that the Angel Escort Service use to service clientele there also. The clientele that she was speaking of included men such as Gordon B. Hinckley. Amazingly she substantiated a lot of the many things that Charles Van Dam alleged about Hinckley attending sex parties, and all the prostitution and other activities that were going on in the Hotel Utah. She basically considered the Hotel Utah the Mormon Church’s private cat house. All this would be vaguely shocking but mostly amusing except for the claim that certain Mormon officials participated in a child pornography and prostitution ring here in Salt Lake City. She claimed that they are dealing in child selling abroad. Looking at this fairly normal pleasant looking woman made all these accusations all the more wild and common sense rejected them. However I imagine that if I’d lived in Nazi Germany in 1944 and someone secretly told me that my former Jewish neighbors down the street were being made into soap and lampshades, I would have thought it just as absurd. In fact my head doesn’t comprehend what I heard tonight. Christy said about four years ago in 1985, she befriended a 12 year old male prostitute named “Billy” who was working the Hotel Utah. He was a Mormon Official’s, named Elder Taylor, play thing. From Billy, Christy and another call girl discovered a whole ring of child prostitution at the hotel and more disturbing the white slaving of these children into international markets. These women befriended Billy and tried to get Billy out of there but the money was too good and he was hooked on drugs. He supplied his habit by hooking for Mormon Church officials. However about two years ago while trying to get Billy out of Utah, she and Billy were attacked by “transients” over at Pioneer Park.  Billy was stabbed to death and Christy barely escaped. She is convinced that the transients were paid by Church Security to cover their tracks. She has been running scared ever since and has been trying to find ways to get out of the state since she has a little girl now. However in a very bizarre way she knows she is relatively safe while she is here in Utah because no one absolutely no one would believe such a wild story. I believe her because she told me things that Charles Van Dam repeated to me last November before he died. I never told her about Van Dam. I cannot believe that these two people are insane or pathological liars. Something is going on. Christy Bradley also said that the old ward house on 9th  West and 4th South use to be a warehouse for these children being brought into the state before being shipped out for a child pornography ring. She said that Gordon B. Hinckley knows about it but not involved in it. She said that Hinckley believes that he is like God and can do anything he wants. I thought that’s Joseph Smith’s Church of the First Born talking, these Mormon big shots who think they are Kings and Priests of God therefore can do no wrong as long as they don’t deny the Holy Ghost. Joseph Smith took other men’s wives, property, set himself up above the laws of the land, and ordered people assassinated and he is the role model all Mormon men want to emulate. I keep thinking why does Gordon B. Hinckley’s name keep coming up. He’s no body. What is going on here? Rocky knows Sandra and Jerrold Tanner very well and he is going to meet with them and see if they know anything and at least give them Charles Van Dam’s tapes. He will see if they, using their network, can help Christy get out of Utah. Later talking to Becky Moss about this mess she said that this Allan Hadfield Child Molestation Ring out of Lehi, Utah also has far reaching consequences and that perhaps his leniency in sentencing my be traced to his connections with being Mormon. She also said she heard that his wife is a Lesbian.

9 January 1989 Monday-
John Cunningham's 38th birthday. I mailed off both him and dad a birthday card. I didn't feel well at work. In fact my left nut was so sore that I think I must have an infection of some type. I made a lesson plan for a substitute teacher tomorrow and decided to go to the VD clinic. Who knows maybe I have some STD. In the evening watched ALF and went to bed early and am still reeling from the conversation I had with Christy Bradley. 

10 January 1989-Tuesday
I called in sick this morning and tried to get a lot accomplished. I made reservations at the Central City Community Center to hold a Valentine’s Dance on the 11th.of February. I also sent away for a registration form for the National Teacher’s examination. The test is on March 4th. I had some applications from New Mexico sent up also. I went to the P.O Box downtown. The Bank Statements were in for Beyond Stonewall. We have about $500 in our account. I button-holed Neil Hoyt into bein a promotion chair but still haven’t found anyone to fill the role of publicist. Anyway had a nice haircut and bear trim today at the $3 hair cut place on 7th East. I mean a real short and stand up all by itself cut. Mt fist reaction was My Gawd What have I wrought? But it grows on you and I like it. Well the VD clinic wasn’t open today but are opened tomorrow until six so I guess I will go get checked out tomorrow. The next trick is to decide whether to get my first AIDS test or not. I will make that decision tomorrow. I went up to the HYPER Building to sit in the sauna. It felt wonderful. It begn to snow about three and has been snowing for the rest of the day. Coming down from the University I got ready for Unconditional Support. It felt great not having to bring refreshments, bags of cups, and opening questions to break the ice. Tonight’s meeting was led by Ray Nielson and he did a good job for his first time. The snow kept a lot of people away I think because only about 15 people showed up. We watched a video on the AIDS Quilt called “Remember My Name” It was quite moving especially when this father implored other parents to be there for their children with AIDS. He said don’t be  afraid just grab them and love them because you never know when it will be the last time you hold them in your arms. I know that is why I can’t keep my hands off Billy Bikowski because who knows when it will be the last time I will get to hold that man in my arms. Jon Urban called in the evening to see how I was feeling. I told him I was going to the VD clinic tomorrow and will let him know the results as soon as I get them. Ben Barr returned my call. I called Ben Barr and asked him for a list of non Mormon Gay Lawyers. Yesterday Kevin McCloskey said that I should retain a lawyer with a will stating that certain tapes and my journals will go to certain individuals upon my demise. I said if I did disappear all of a sudden and am found murdered it would because I got involved in something evil. I didn’t want him to know which one I chose if my phone is being tapped. Ben gave me some good advice. He suggested that I make copies of my tape and send it to each member of the 12 Mormon Apostles and let them clean up their own house if there’s only a few rotten apples. Ben said send the tapes and just sit back and watch. I agree and so I’ve been making copies like crazy. I’ve already given several away. I am sending one to Theresa Watanabe of the San Jose Mercury News and one to the Tanners.

11 January 1989 Wednesday
I went back to work today but still am feeling blah. I was awake most of the night breaking small fevers. I was glad to be back at school. I got teased a little about my hair but some of the kids really liked it. This is Jeremiah Kite’s last week. I have really mixed feelings about that boy. Anyway after school, Susan McCoy dropped me off at the VD Clinic on 6th South and 2nd East. I decided to go ahead and get an AIDS test as well as a VD check. I thought I really ought to. Ignorance is not bliss in this case. It cost $10 for both tests. A woman health worker examined me. I’m not a sexist but I would have been much more comfortable with a man feeling my penis, scrotum, and looking up my ass. I had blood drawn for an AIDS test as well as for syphilis. Dabbing my urethra for a culture stung like hell and since she didn’t get a good sample she had to do it again. Boy did it burn. I said, “Well if you’re gonna play you have to pay.” I won’t get the VD results until nest Wednesday and a week after that for the AIDS results. I am a little apprehensive but not really.  I guess I am pretty fatalistic. What will be will be, I’m not afraid to stand before my God. In fact I look forward to the great day. But right here and now, my left nut aches and my dick stings and I am missing Billy.

12 January 1989 Thursday-
Not a bad day at work except when Jeremiah Kite mouthed off at me but I hauled his butt down to the office and talked to his step-mom when she came to pick him up. Tomorrow is his last day and he thinks he's invincible. In the evening I didn’t do much. I straighten up the apartment, did some dishes, and read from Adelle Davis’ book, “Let’s Get Well and Eat Right.” I want to build my health and lose some weight. I’m going to stop eating hydrogenated fats, anything cooked in coconut or palm oil. I need to start eating more brewer yeast powder, skim milk, cottage cheeses, peanut butter, safflower oil, lecithin, molasses, bananas, apples, corn, peas, lima beans, yams, squashes, spinach, and yogurt. And even though I want to be a vegetarian, I’m going to eat fish liver oil, and eggs occasionally. I want to stay away from meat. I think it breeds cancer. I’m going to reduce my intake of sucrose in the form of refined white sugar, and white flour. Every morning I am going to start drinking my “pep me up” drink and not eat after 6 in the evening as a rule. I was in bed by ten. Jim Hunsaker, Garth Chamberlain, Chris Brown, and Curtis Jensen are going down to Phoenix this weekend for a planning meeting of the Desert and Mountain States Conference. Chuck Whyte wants me to write an article for the Triangle for the Gay and Lesbian Community Council of Utah. I am going to meet him at four tomorrow to make an ad for the dance in February. I’m going to write a history column on Michelangelo also. What else? Kevin McCloskey called to say that he is friends with Paul Van Dam, Attorney General of Utah and cousin to Charles Van Dam. He said if anything happens to me he would discuss what I told Kevin with Van Dam. Jim Hunsaker wants me to feed his fish for this weekend while he's gone.

13 January 1989 Friday
I am so caught up in my own little world that I forgot that the tenth of this month was the tenth anniversary of Grandma Williams’ death. I really miss her still. I’m not very good with departures. Today wasn’t Jeremiah Kites’ last day after all. His mother wants him to finish out the term so he’ll be here next week. I had the class make cards for him to give as a surprise going away party next Thursday. His father however took him out of school today. I didn’t much like my kids today. So glad we have a three day weekend. After school was out, Susan McCoy dropped me off downtown and I walked home. Still trying to walk a mile a day. I went up to the HYPER Building  and sat in the sauna, It felt really good. I missed my bus afterwards so I walked down off campus so I got a lot of walking done today. I cleaned the apartment a little bit but really didn’t do much else. I was in bed by nine thirty.

14 January 1989 Saturday
I didn’t get up until nine this morning so I must have caught up on some much needed sleep. Later in the morning I caught a bus downtown and walked over to the post office. I then caught another bus out to Fashion Place Mal where I bought two pull over sweaters and two belts at the Sears there. I think I’m finally shopped out. Later in the afternoonI went back to the sauna at the HYPER building. I was really horny abnd afterwards I went over to Orson Spencer Hall. I hadn’t been there in months. I met someone there and we had sex and I was then able to get on with the rest of the day. I went shopping at Smith’s Food King at 8th and 9th and bought a lot of health food items. I always get “religion” after reading Adelle Davis. I haven’t had meat in over two weeks and now its time to concentrate on ridding sugar from my diet too.  I saw my letter to the editor in the Salt Lake Tribune today. That was kind of fun. I have never been published in a newspaper before.  In the evening I mostly watched TV because I was rather lethargic. Probably tired from walking home from the University again. 

15 January 1989 Sunday
I am coming down with a cold. Everyone seems to have it. Perhaps I can shake it off staying in tomorrow. I went to my Quaker Meeting this morning. The walk was refreshing and yet tiresome. Serenity comes from surrendering to the will of God. Thy will be done. I saw Rocky and Robert at the meeting. Rocky said that Christy Bradley is sick and the meeting for today is called off. I was home the rest of the day, graded papers and figured up Quarter Grades for the kids until Rocky came over and me me up for Affirmation. The only reason I went was hoping to see Billy. He wasn’t there until the meeting was nearly over. I was speaking to some guys when he came in and I lost my train of thought as soon as I saw him. Immediately I realized it was a mistake to have come. I have so completely and thoroughly outgrown Affirmation. So has Rocky and Robert. I see some faces that seem stuck neither able to go back or go forward. After the meting I kept my distance from Billy and yet he came over and gave me a hug. I did not hug him back. I don’t want to care about him anymore. I did ask him about his Christmas at home in New Hampshire. He said something about his mother but I wasn’t listening, just looking at him. I was too involved in my own emotions to listen. My head finally won out over my heart and I managed to keep a polite distance. He went with others to coffee at Denny’s on 5th South but I went home to grade papers. Rocky and I have a meeting this Wednesday about the Gay and Lesbian Historical Society at six. Billy you fucking bastard. You don’t know what you have in me. God grant me the courage to let Billy go out of my life. Into your care I commend my love for Billy.

16 January 1989 Monday-
It’s  Martin Luther King Jr. holiday and I've been fighting a cold all day. Vitamins are working wonders. I had a Beyond Stonewall Meeting with John Bush. Things to do lest I forget. Call Rob Moore and Jim Rieger to ask if they would be publicity chairs. Call Dave Malmstrom about the Delta Institute and call the YMCA about meeting with the camp director for February. John Bush also wants to write a charter for the Delta Institute. I spent most of the morning going through my grade book figuring up grades on my calculator. What a chore that was. Other than that I didn’t do a hell of a lot. I went outside only once to empty some trash but otherwise I didn’t venture out at all. I just stayed warm and snuggly this wintry day. I heard a song on the radio that made me cry over Billy. It really surprised me that I am still crying over him. Why do I miss him so much? He’s a geek. He just didn’t really know what he had in me. Anyway I called Dave Malmstrom in the evening about the Delta Institute. John Bush and I have decided to form a corporation called the Delta Institute as an umbrella for all the groups I am involved with so we can have just one non-profit status. I picked the name Delta Institute because Delta is the Greek symbol for a triangle. Dave Malmstrom and I talked for about an hour about his being an officer in The Delta Institute, Gay Activities and the community dances. I let him know that  Unconditional Support would be going alone this year because I didn’t want to deal with the leaders of LGSU and Affirmation this year. Tired of the bickering and lack of follow up. Dave understood but was concerned that the dances would become exclusively for Unconditional Support people. I said not at all. They still will be community dances. Dave agreed to become an officer of The Delta Institute so we can incorporate.

17 January 1989 Tuesday
Back to school after a nice holiday. Glad it was a short day however. I spent some time filling out forms for take the National Teachers Exam in preparation for moving to New Mexico. I went to Unconditional Support this evening a little reticent thinking that Billy might show but he didn't.  Allen Peterson led the meeting mostly discussing what people wanted to see happen in Unconditional Support this year.  I met a fellow named Bryan who was back from being in Washington DC. He was kind of interesting. The most exciting news I heard was that there’s going to be another March on Washington this October. I am so excited about the possibility of going again. If I am alive I will be there. I went out to coffee after the meeting to Dee’s. It was the first time in a long time. It was kind of nice being out with my tribe.

18 January 1989 Wednesday
School was a little different today. I held a “Read-A-Thon” for my students. They could bring soda pop and candy and sit anywhere they liked after the last recess until the end of the day. Most laid on the floor with blankets and quietly read. Of course, Justin, Broady, and Darren had to be censored for thinking it was a “gab-a-thon”.  We had a staff meeting right after school. Both Susan McCoy and I think its funny how the principal Jack Olearain always stands behind me and rests his hand on my shoulder. Would he if he knew I was queer? After riding home with Susan, I called the VD clinic to find out my results. I am clean. No gonorrhea, syphilis, or chlamydia. I have to wait until next Wednesday for my HIV results. I went to Smith’s at 8th and 9th to get some cat food, cookies for tomorrow’s class party, and a video just in case Denise doesn’t come through with The Incredible Journey. Anyway I bumped into Mike Anderson at the store and even though I was in an extreme hurry to catch the bus to be back home by six we visited some. He said he may be moving to San Francisco with Dave Kendall. That will be great for him. John Bush called this evening to say that Guy Larson has accepted the position of hospitality chair for Beyond Stonewall. I told John that I had called Dave Malmstrom and he accepted being part of the Delta Institute.  I need to talk to Jim Hunsaker about a making a community calendar for the Gay and Lesbian Community Council. Anyway John Bush wabts me to find out more about the March on Washington and have the Delta Institute coordinate the effort in Utah. I said what a wonderful idea that was. Jon Urban called to visit also. That was nice of him and I would like to get together with him soon.

19 January 1989 Thursday-
Today is dad’s 64th birthday. He’s really starting to get up there. I hope when I am 64 I am just in my intellectual prime and ready to write and compose and do all the things I don’t know how to do now. Today was Jeremiah Kite’s last day and we threw him a going away party. It was nice and the kids got wild but it was also the last day of the term. The kids have another three day weekend for it’s a Career Ladder Day  for us teachers. After school came home and tried straightening up the place some. I had to take the bus down to 8th and 9th to return the video I rented yesterday. I walked over from there to the Metropolitan Community Church on 6th East where I had a Gay and Lesbian Community Council transitional meeting for transferring the offices from Jim Hunsaker, Reina Horton, and Bruce Barton to Neil Hoyt, Chuck Whyte, and myself. Only Reina Horton did not show up for the meeting

20 January 1989 Friday-
I went to work with Susan McCoy at eight thirty. It was quite foggy all the way into Sunset. Today was Career Ladder Day so the kids have it off so teachers can do grades at the end of the term. Since I had most of my grades figured out from last weekend, I mainly just spent the time rearranging my classroom and putting up new bulletin boards. I was home by four thirty and then took a bus up to the U of U to sit in the sauna and cruised Orson Spenser Hall a little. I must be really horny or something. I spent most of inaugurational day trying to get laid. No luck at OSH so in the evening I went downtown as cold as it was and went to the Magazine Store on Main Street to cruise. Then I walked over to Radio City on State and there I thought I’m not that desperate so I caught the last bus back home. I was in bed by midnight. I had forgotten that tomorrow is the Quaker Mid-Winter Gathering. I’m suppose to be there at nine in the morning. Before going to bed I put my name on the date line. I was so desperate. Gawd. Well we got a new president- Barbara Bush.   The Ronald Reagan Administration ended with President George Walker Bush CIA assuming the mantel of Reaganomics.

21 January 1989-Saturday
The Mid Winter Meeting for the Society of Friends (Quakers) began today at nine. The meeting was held at the Methodist Church on 2nd South and 3rd East.  Rocky O’Donovan and I helped Pat Sexton make lunch  and there was perhaps one hundred people there all together. At three thirty Allen Stokes of Logan led a meeting on the Quaker Role in the Gay Civil Rights Movement. It was good to be with open minded individuals.

22 January 1989 Sunday-
I didn’t venture out of my apartment today except to buy a Sunday paper and do some radio programs at KRCL. Jim Rieger and I did three programs for Concerning Gays and Lesbians so we don’t; have to come back for two weeks. The first program was an interview with Garth Chamberlain an officer of LGSU for the first half and the second half we promoted The Gay Historical Society. The 2nd program was a long interview with Donald Steward about the Names Project coming to Utah in March. Don Steward is the media coordinator for the event. The 3rd program which will air on Valentine’s Day. We talked about VD and STDs. I talked about my own personal experience with going to the Salt Lake Health Clinic and what people could expect there.  Anyway I was home by ten and wanting to go to bed when Jon Urban called and wanted to come over. I was still horny so I said sure come over.  We hadn't made love in a couple of weeks. I told him about the radio programs and he said he didn’t know that I did them. He smiled and said, “So my lover is a celebrity.” That surprised me. I never thought of Jon as my lover but it really pleased me inside to hear him refer to me as such. No one had ever called me his “lover” before. 

23 January 1989 Monday
Back to school again. I was glad that it was a short day. I didn't miss Jeremiah like I thought I would. Instead I am glad he's gone. In the evening at five thirty I was at the Crossroads Urban Center with Chuck Whyte trying and figure out the mess we inherited from Bruce Barton. The Membership records, financial records, and minutes were in every state of disarray.  All jumbled up. We finally managed to separate them into 3 categories-Membership, financial, and minutes. We worked for two hours and Chuck really helped a lot.  I wouldn’t have been motivated to do them by myself. Anyway I was home by seven thirty and watched a little TV and tried to do some work around my apartment. Salvador Dali the artist died today.

24 January 1989 Tuesday-
Ted Bundy , the serial killer, who attended the University of Utah was electrocuted today in Florida at the age of 42. I have been rather melancholy all day about thinking what a tragedy for everyone involved. Couldn’t they have studied him and perhaps found a causation for his addiction to murder?  Anyway it’s all over now. It chills me with the despicable cheering and party atmosphere in Florida at his death. Even Ted Bundy has God within according to Quakerism. Anyway I got through the day at work unscathed . After recess the playground attendant, Hannah,  called me out into the hall to tell me about some of the boys in my class. I thought what now? And she said that two boys in my class were grabbing at each other on the playground and by her embarrassed grin, I knew what she meant/ About this time Mr. Burrill is marching five of his boys down to the principal office to have them call their parents and  Hannah said they were involved also. I thought “Good God. Why don’t we just blow everything out of proportion?” If the boys would have been simply fighting, Mr. Burrill wouldn’t have dragged them down to the office. I told Hannah I would take care of it. It was Justin and Eric Rogers. I called them out into the hall and asked them what was going on. They both acted sheepishly until Eric volunteered that they were playing “Ball Tag.” I thought it was funny but didn’t let them know that. I said to them that they were old enough to know about sex and that they shouldn’t be grabbing each other’s nuts at school. I told them that certain behavior was not appropriate for the playground and then lit the matter drop. At Unconditional Support tonight I led the meeting on VD and HIV testing. It was a good meeting until Billy Bikowski showed up. I stumbled over my words until I could compose myself again. I hugged him during the group hug but then just ran off to be with others. Eric Christensen was there with Scott Robinson and Jeff Wood was at the meeting too. I was telling them about the game of Ball Tag that my Sixth graders are playing and I grabbed Jeff’s crotch and said “You’re it”. As an activity we went for the last performance at the art deco Center Theater on State Street and Broadway. After tonight the center theater will close its doors and be torn down. It was kind of a historic occasion.  I saw a little old lady weeping and another elderly gentleman dab his eye. There wasn’t very many people there for the last showing. We saw Cocoon: The Return. In our group were Jeff Wood, Eric Christensen, Scott Robinson, Kurt, Steve Oldroyd, Darrell Webber, and Rick Eden.  After the movie we walked about the old movie palace, looking and marveling at the art deco motif’s which be soon torn down and lot in time and space.  Well the final curtain came down for the Centre Theater. Fran and I had our first date at the theater in December 1976. We saw Woody Allen in the movie The Front. I lost my neck muffler that night that I had had since my early days at BYU.  Well nothing lasts forever not even my love for Billy or does it? Why does just seeing him walk into a room make my heart stumble and my mind relapse. It is like seeing a ghost. A beloved ghost that is all sound and fury signaling nothing. Jon Urban  called me right before I had left for Unconditional Support and wanted to come over for sex but I told him that while I’d love that, I have to lead a meeting and attend an activity tonight. John Reeves called from Boston also. He is quite hopeful about finding work back there. Well what a day of closures. Ted Bundy’s life was extinguished this morning. I hope it brings peace to the families of the victims because it will not bring their daughters home. I’ll leave the fate of my cousin’s murderer in the hands of a more infinite wisdom.

25 January 1989 Wednesday
Well at work, we had our cholesterol levels checked and I guess being a vegetarian does pay off because mine is 140. Two hundred is considered dangerously high. That pleased me because almost everyone else was either high or hovering around two hundred. Mr. Burrell’s was 245. I also had my blood pressure checked but I can’t remember what it was but it was normal. Someone stole $45 from Mrs. Johnson’s purse yesterday in the library. Oh brother. Mr. Olearain wanted me to search for boys who weren’t suspects  but had volunteered to be searched. I just had them turn their pockets inside out and take off their shoes. I wasn’t about to frisk them. Anyway after work, Susan McCoy dropped me off at the Health Clinic. I hadn’t really been concerned about my test results until I was sitting in the waiting room. Then I thought, “What if I am positive?” However thank Gawd the results were negative. I guess I am in better health than I thought. No STDs, no AIDS anti-bodies, and my cholesterol is 140. I also want to get in better shape but I’m grateful to the Lord for my health.  

26 January 1989 Thursday

I was tired this morning and tomorrow Susan is calling in sick so I’ll have to take the bus back and forth between home and school. It’s an hour each way on the bus. Eric Rogers called me an “asshole” after lunch. I dragged him down to the principal office and called his mother. Later I put his desk out in the hall. I’m not letting him back into my classroom until he apologizes. Anyway I stayed at work until five fifteen so didn’t get back into Salt Lake City until six. I had Susan McCoy drop me off at Smith’s on 8th and 9th  and while shopping someone said, “Long time, no see.” I turned around and am startled to see Billy. My pulse started to race. He said “You need a shopping cart,” because my grocery basket was over flowing. I replied that I only get what I can carry on the bus.  He then asked me if I needed a ride. If it wouldn’t have been so damn awful cold out I would have said no but at fifteen degrees I said yes, hating myself for being so weak. I treated him like a casual acquaintance on the ride home. Only responding to his remarks and making polite conversation. He has an Econoline Van now. I thanked him for the ride but didn’t ask him to come in and he didn’t inquire about me at all. He doesn’t love me. Never did.

27 January 1989 Friday

I had to get up at five thirty this morning to catch the Ogden bus to Sunset. Susan McCoy my usual ride took a mental health break. I was at school by eight fifteen.  It was a bitterly cold day. Mr. Burrell was also ansent today so I was the only regular sixth grade teacher on duty.  As soon as school was out at three o’five I grabbed the stuff Susan wanted me tp take home for her and I was out the door to catch the bus home to Salt Lake City. I didn’t get in until almost five so it was a long day. I took another bus up to the U of U to sit in the sauna. I stayed on campus until nearly eight thirty, cruising OSH a little bit too but there was no action. When I arrived home Jon Urban called and I had him come over because I was so horny. We fucked until about ten thirty and when he left I was asleep by eleven thirty. 

28 January 1989 Saturday

I took the state street bus down to Midvale to pick up my glasses I ordered last month. They came finally. It's great to be able to see clearly again. I had to be back in town at one to meet this guy downtown who called me on the dateline. We went back to my apartment and it was awful. I will spare me the details. I finally just asked him to leave. I did in the late afternoon go back up to the U of U to soak in the sauna, kind of to get clean of yuck. I was barely home by six after I walked home. On the way off campus I did run into Richard Hefner who was a past president of the Lesbian and Gay Student Union in 1987. Oh Well. I didn’t do much else today. It was too cold to go anywhere else so I stayed in for the rest of the evening and stayed up late watching TV and reading the article that John Reeves had sent me yesterday. I am feeling so isolated here in Utah behind the Zion Curtain.  I have been weepy off and on today over Billy. Why?

29 January 1989 Sunday-
I walked to my Quaker Meeting which was at ten. The weather was crisp but not too frigid. The meeting was good. Afterwards I went with Rocky O’Donovan for a walk and discussed the Historical Society meeting this week. I said I would bring the key to open up Crossroads Urban Center. We walked over to the post office at Expo Mart to check the PO Box but nada. Rocky told me an interesting bit of gossip. Sometime last week he went down to Provo to meet with the executors of the estate of Charles Van Dam who also collects sex scandals stories involving General Authorities of the Mormon Church.. Anyway the story is that this Mormon Therapist named Al Claussen had some files on Eldred Smith which his wife had discovered after Claussen’s death. These files were on various missionaries who had been referred to Claussen by the Mormon Church because they all had the same problem.  They all had had sex with Eldred G. Smith before going on their missions. While Smith was Patriarch of the Mormon Church he would spot cute missionaries and tell these young gullible boys that as Patriarch of the Church he had received certain ordinances which he wanted to the new missionaries to have.  After the “laying of hands” on these guys, they came back from these missions pretty screwed up and were sent to this Claussen who would discreetly work with these kids. It was getting to be such an embarrassment to other church leaders that finally Smith was forced into retirement and became the Patriarch Emeritus even though the position is supposedly hereditary and for life. It was kind of funny since Eldred had replaced his cousin Joseph Fielding Smith who had been retired to Hawaii for his Gay escapades. The church now was searching high and low in the Smith family trying to find someone to fill the position of Patriarch but couldn’t find any who didn’t have homosexual proclivities. So the church felt it was safer to abolish the position of Patriarch of the Church which Joseph Smith had bestowed on the male heirs of his brother Hyrum Smith. Life behind the Zion Curtain. I told Rocky that sometimes I think the Mormon Church is a cereal box religion-nicely packaged but with too much sugar, little fiber and plenty of additives to keep it from going stale.

30 January 1989 Monday
Well back to work and pulled Eric Rogers back into class. He wrote an apology. I guess that’s good enough for a twelve year old. However he did get in trouble later with Mrs. Marrietti who spotted him having some kid in a head lock. I was home by four. Then I took a bus to Smith’s to buy a bus pass for February. Its not that far away. Thank goodness. I made some bran muffins this evening and watched ALF. Then I listened to some phone messages I had on tapes from my phone machine from the past two years. It was good to hear the familiar voices and conjure up old memories. Even the painful ones from Billy. They don’t seem to hurt as much anymore. Time changes everything. Jon Urban came over about nine forty-five and we fucked for a while. It felt nice, however after he left I became sick to my stomach. I did a douche and tried to settle my stomach but it was upset until midnight. I must have caught a slight bug. It’s going to be a long day tomorrow with such little sleep. I called mom yesterday and both mom and dad have colds. My niece Denise might join the National Guard.

31 January 1989 Tuesday
I am so glad to have this long cold dark month over. I really hate it. There’s been snow on the ground since Christmas Day’s big storm. At Unconditional Support there was a fairly decent turn out. Darrell Webber led the meeting where the discussion developed around Gay dating. Brook Hallock and another woman was at the meeting tonight.  We don’t get very many Lesbians coming as a rule.  I think I’m the only romantic at Unconditional Support sometimes. Everyone talks about taking relationships slow. I’m sorry I can’t. I think of Andrew Marvell’s “Coy Mistress”
                                    Had we but world enough and time
                                    This coyness, lady were no crime
                                    But at my back I always hear
                                    Time’s winged chariot hurrying near
                                    The Grave’s a fine and private place
                                    But none, I think, do there embrace.
I said I felt like this is the time I am alive! Now is the time I want to hold someone and feel his body next to mine. I also continued to defend my position of  metaphorically “knee dropping” guys who after three or four dates say Let’s just be friends.  I am amazed at what so many people consider a date.  They think anybody they go out with, whether just friends, or girls, is a date. I thought only someone to whom you have romantic feelings constitutes a date. The expectation of something wonderful happening.  You don’t have that when you ask a buddy out.

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December 1989

1 December 1989 Friday James Edgar Clark Wachs was born 21 years ago this very night. I was seventeen years old, working at the ...